Welcome to this year’s new officers: Kate Gibson, David Barga, Benjamin Wigman, Bradley Petkus, Dalena Tran, Hope Nikolaychuk, and Michelle Tin! Faculty advisors are Profs. Kovnir, Franz and Crabtree.
The Chemistry Club at UC Davis provides outreach shows and demonstrations to schools and community groups throughout the year.
In August, volunteers performed demonstrations for >50 children from Birch Lane Elementary Summer Enrichment Camps.
Upcoming activities include hands-on demonstrations at the Davis Farmer’s Market Fall Festival (October 25, 2014). In 2014-15, the Chemistry Club will be increasing social and networking events in conjunction with the Chemistry Department, such as seminars on Graduate School, getting involved in research, and becoming a member of the ACS. The Chemistry Club will continue their annual Picnic Day “Magic” Show, known to be among the best in the region, and this year (April 18, 2015) the club plans to increase chemistry outreach by hosting an additional Picnic Day event for hands-on Chemistry demos.
By Kate Gibson