SCC Chemistry Club News Fall 2014

SCC Chemistry Club News Fall 2014

The SCC Chemistry Club is a student run chapter of the ACS and serves all Sacramento City College students who are interested in chemistry. The club does community outreach at nearby schools, field trips to chemistry-related attractions, and projects of all kinds. So far, the club has taken a field trip to the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, done glass etching, and executed a liquid nitrogen demo for Earth Day at SCC. The club...

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UC Davis Chemistry Club News Fall 2014

UC Davis Chemistry Club News Fall 2014

Welcome to this year’s new officers: Kate Gibson, David Barga, Benjamin Wigman, Bradley Petkus, Dalena Tran, Hope Nikolaychuk, and Michelle Tin! Faculty advisors are Profs. Kovnir, Franz and Crabtree. The Chemistry Club at UC Davis provides outreach shows and demonstrations to schools and community groups throughout the year. In August, volunteers performed demonstrations for >50 children from Birch Lane Elementary Summer...

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ACS Travel Grant Award Winners

The Sacramento local section initially decided to offer two $250 travel grant awards for the 248th ACS National Meeting in San Francisco in August. However, we had such a great response to our call for applications that we decided to offer four awards. Thank you to everyone who applied, and congratulations to our winners! Graduate Students: Tobias Sherbow, UC Davis Nicholas Ball-Jones, UC Davis Irina Dotsenko, University of the...

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K-12: National Chemistry Week Poetry Contest

The Sacramento Section of the American Chemical Society (ACS) is sponsoring an illustrated poem contest for students in Kindergarten – 12th grade.The grade-based categories are: K-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12. Each grade category has its own prizes! This Year’s theme is “The Sweet Side of Chemistry: Candy” For full details including judging criteria and an entry form, download the...

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Discoveries: ‘Electronic skin’ could improve early breast cancer detection

Discoveries: ‘Electronic skin’ could improve early breast cancer detection

For detecting cancer, manual breast exams seem low-tech compared to other methods such as MRI. But scientists are now developing an “electronic skin” that “feels” and images small lumps that fingers can miss. Knowing the size and shape of a lump could allow for earlier identification of breast cancer, which could save lives. They describe their device, which they’ve tested on a breast model made of...

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