CRC Chem Club: Upcoming Events

The Chemistry Club at Cosumnes River College has been a bit quiet this semester, but it has been the calm before the storm! Although we spent the majority of the semester studying Organic Chemistry (and hoping for Professor Reese’s speedy recovery from pneumonia), the next couple of weeks will be extremely busy!

Back Row from Left to Right: Dasha, Brandon, Dr. Reese, Brian, Weun, Nick Front Row from Left to Right: Yvonne, Karina, Hilary

Back Row from Left to Right: Dasha, Brandon, Dr. Reese, Brian, Weun, Nick. Front Row from Left to Right: Yvonne, Karina, Hilary

On April 29th we will attend a tour, which was graciously arranged by the District Attorney’s Office, at Sacramento’s forensic lab. Due to restrictions and possibilities of evidence contamination, obtaining a tour was extremely difficult and our club is exceedingly excited!

On May 6th we will visit Lodi Wine Laboratories. Their lab provides analysis services of wine, beer, juice, water and other liquids. Phillip Marzouk, a TTB Certified Chemist and also the manager for Lodi Wine Labs, has personally designed a fantastic tour for us. We will receive a presentation on winemaking and wine chemistry. Marzouk will also take us through their lab to discuss each instrument and its uses.

To finish off our semester, we will be hosting a car wash fundraiser at Cosumnes River College on May 10th from 7:00-11:00am and 6:00-9:00 pm to raise money for the Chemistry Department. We intend to use the proceeds to purchase and replace equipment, supplies and materials needed for future chemistry students.

Moreover, our chemistry club plans to get together this summer for a tour of Restek West by Shawn Reese and to say goodbye to the dedicated chemistry club students that are transferring to a four year college. A special thank you and goodbye to the following students:

Hilary Kane, majoring in Chemistry and transferring to UCD

Karina Kurudimov, majoring in Nutritional Biology and transferring to UCD

Brian Saephanh, majoring in Biochemistry and transferring to UCSD

Nicholas Yee, majoring in Biochemistry

Brandon Ross, majoring in Pharmacological Chemistry and transferring to UCSD

Yvonne Yee, majoring in Chemical Engineering and transferring to UCSD

Dasha Masalitina, majoring in Neuroscience and transferring to UCSC


Author: Hilary Kane

Hilary Kane is the Co-President of the Cosumnes River Chemistry Club. Her goal is to transfer to UC Davis next fall as a Chemistry Major where she can continue to learn and follow her passion for Chemistry.

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