Get Involved by Attending the Next Executive Committee Meeting
Have you been interested in getting more involved with the chapter but not sure how? All members are invited to attend our monthly executive committee meetings! Taking part in meetings is a great way to get a sneak peak at upcoming events, and how you might be able to help out. Our next meeting will be Sunday March 1st, 7-8 PM at the Robert Mondavi Institute on the UC Davis campus. Email Andrew Wilkens at for...
Helping Science Inform Policy Workshop
On January 11th on the UC Davis campus, Gabby Nepomuceno and Ben Young Landis of Creative Externalities taught an informative workshop on Helping Science Inform Policy, aiming to get scientists more engaged in the California legislative process. A lot was covered during the workshop, including a crash-course on California’s state government, its unique legislative calendar, and how to utilize this knowledge to become more involved....
Call for Abstracts – ACS Fall 2020 National Meeting
Moving Chemistry from Bench to Market, the ACS Fall 2020 National Meeting & Exposition, will be held in San Francisco, California, August 16–20, 2020. We are now accepting abstracts for oral and poster presentations! Visit the website to view all of the programming divisions and planned symposia. ACS National Meetings & Expositions bring together thousands of chemistry professionals from around the world to discover and share...
Save the Date: Helping Science Inform Policy
Save the date for a workshop on science and policy! If you’re interested, email for registration and further information. See below for more information and the flyer. January 11, 2020 9 AM–12 Warren and Leta Giedt Hall 186 Bioletti Way, Davis, CA 95616
Marvelous Metals at Powerhouse Science Center
This year Sacramento ACS teamed up with Powerhouse Science Center in order to bring National Chemistry Week festivities to Sacramento’s youngest chemists. On October 26th 2019 Powerhouse Science Center hosted a day of hands-on demonstrations and activities surrounding the theme of metals. Kids got to explore properties of magnets, memory metals, make their own batteries, and learn about the chemistry of pennies. Powerhouse staff...
Apply Now for the Delta Science Fellowship
The Delta Science Program, in collaboration with California Sea Grant, is excited to announce another round of Delta Science Fellowships! In addition to providing funding for doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows, for the first time, this fellowship is also open to masters students. Priority topic areas include research in both the natural and social sciences. The goal of the Delta Science Fellows Program is to bring together...
Councilor’s Report: Bill Miller, ACS San Diego
Because the ACS National Meeting in San Diego was during the first week of classes at SCC, I was only able to slip down to the meeting to attend the Wednesday Councilor Session. I’d like to pass along some of the highlights. Resolutions The Council passed a number of resolutions. One of them recognized and celebrated the 100th birthday of Gerald Meyer and his 80 years of service to the Society. Another resolution...
ACS National Meeting Symposium: Water Scarcity
SYMPOSIUM WATER SCARCITY: Challenges for Agriculture ACS NATIONAL MEETING in SAN DIEGO, CA AUGUST 25, 2019 “Water scarcity is one of the greatest challenges of the twenty-first century.” FAO 2017 Agriculture is both a source and a victim of water scarcity. Currently half of the world’s population is living in areas that experience water scarcity for at least one month a year; about 70% of global water withdrawals are already...
“Strange” Chemistry with Steve Farmer
Come celebrate National Chemistry Week the spookiest way possible! Learn “Some Strange Things about Candy” with Dr. Steven Farmer, author of “Strange Chemistry”, then stick around for some creepy chemistry demos and a screening of The Nightmare Before Christmas. Costumes encouraged and light refreshments provided. Saturday, October 26th Doors open at 2:00 PM Talk begins at 2:30 PM 123 Sciences Lecture Hall UC...
ACS Sacramento Honors Local Chemists, Learns About Oils
On September 7th at the ARC Ballroom on the UC Davis campus, the Sacramento Section of the American Chemical Society (ACS) honored several local chemists including its 50, 60, and 70-year members. Mr. Howard Adler was honored for reaching 70 years of ACS membership. Jan Hayes presented Bob Fendall of Sheldon High his High School Teacher Award (HSTA). In accepting it, Bob mentioned the...
Marvelous Metals
FREE HANDS-ON SCIENCE COMMUNITY EVENT Join the Sacramento Local Section of the American Chemical Society and the Powerhouse Science Center for a free community event to celebrate National Chemistry Week and learn about the importance of chemistry in everyday life. Learn about this year’s theme, Marvelous Metals, with many exciting hands-on activities. When: Saturday, October 26th, noon – 4 pm Where: Powerhouse Science Center...
ACS Sacramento 70th Annual Meeting and Steak Barbecue
The 70th Annual Meeting and Steak Barbecue for the Sacramento Section of ACS will occur on April 20th. Dr. James Marshall will speak about “Rediscovery of the Elements – Tracking down the original discovery sites of the mines and laboratories for all of the elements.” For more information or to register, click here.
Save the Date: Flavors of Chemistry
Flavors of Chemistry 2019 will occur on September 7, 2019 at the ARC Ballroom on the UC Davis campus. The speakers will be Hoby Wedler and Stephanie Doan. Wedler is co-founder of SENSPOINT-a company focused on opening the doors to sensory awareness and will speak about the chemistry of olive oil. Doan is a Senior Food Scientist in Food Innovation with Blue Diamond Growers and will speak about the chemistry of almond oil.
Volunteer Opportunities in April
ACS Sacramento plans to host a table at the College and Career Expo which takes place the afternoon of April 6 at the STEM Fair. We are hoping to offer a hands-on activity, but we need volunteers to make this happen! If you can help, contact Cindy Castronovo at We need volunteers the morning of Wednesday, April 24 to help kids and parents learn about global warming and ocean acidification (see photo below). ...
A Successful Western Regional Meeting
On October 27th 2018, Southern California Section and California Los Padres Section joined forces in organizing the Western Regional ACS meeting at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. A highly successful event, the meeting had 250 attendees, including many students from the local colleges and universities, as well as scientists from Jet Propulsion Lab, professors and teachers, and members of the chemistry industry. The...
The Sacramento School of Engineering and Sciences (SES) has scheduled its science and engineering fair for Wednesday, December 19th from 2:30 PM-6:15 PM and they need YOU to judge student science fair projects! Interested individuals can sign up or get more information by contacting Pat Wong ( SES is located in the Pocket Area of Sacramento (7345 Gloria Drive). However its students are from a cross section...
Student International Travel Award
ACS Sacramento Section is announcing a new award: $1,000 for a student to travel internationally. The due date is February 1, 2019 at 5:00PM and all materials must be submitted to Dean Tantillo, member of our awards subcommittee. One award will be given in the amount of $1000 to support travel to an international chemistry conference/meeting/internship. Both undergraduates and graduate students are eligible to apply. The application...
Register for High School Chemistry Olympiad
The Sacramento Section of the ACS is proud to organize the 2019 High School Chemistry Olympiad. The Olympiad witll be held at Sacramento City College. Last year’s Olympiad was a big success! For more information, please click here. To register or if you have questions, please contact Mako Masuno. Students taking the local exam for the U.S. National Chemistry Olympiad on March 24th at Sacramento City...
Vote for Your Sacramento Section Officers
Your Sacramento Section of the ACS is currently in the midst of its election for 2019 officers. Please vote! Your vote tells us that you approve of the direction that your officers are taking the section. You should have already received your election ballot via email. The subject of the email is “Vote now: American Chemical Society – Sacramento Section – Election for 2019 ACS Sacramento Section...
Arlene Laurison Wins Regional Teacher Award
Arlene Laurison has won the 2018 Western Regional Excellence in High School Teaching Award. Laurison wins $1,000 and will travel to receive her award at the Western Region Meeting on October 27th in Pasadena. Arlene Laurison Laurison previously won the 2018 Jan Hayes High School Teachers Award for the Sacramento Section. Our section will now be nominating her for the James Bryant Conant Award in High School Chemistry Teaching, a...