UCD SCInema Seeks to Increase Science Engagement Through Movies
UC Davis Department of Chemistry presents SCInema, an outreach program that seeks to increase community engagement with science by connecting science topics in popular movies to scientists who specialize in that field. Check out their YouTube channel here.
Savannah Conlon Wins Student Travel Grant
The ACS Sacramento Section has awarded Savannah Conlon with a travel award to attend an upcoming ACS National Meeting, where she will present her work titled “Excision of oxidatively damaged bases in G-quadruplexes by the DNA glycosylases NEIL1 and NEIL3.” The $250 travel award will help with travel and lodging costs associated with the meeting. Savannah received her B.S. from University of California, Santa Cruz in 2017, and began...
ACS Fall 2020 Meeting Held Online Only
The ACS Fall 2020 VIRTUAL Meeting & Expo will be held August 17-20, 2020 online only. Details for attendees, presenters, and organizers will be announced over the coming days and weeks. Visit the Frequently Asked Questions page for updated general information.
New from ACS Webinars: Daily Broadcasts
During this time of social distancing, ACS has expanded its commitment to providing the scientific community with relevant information from subject matter experts. Register and join us for upcoming ACS Webinars here.
View Scientific Posters and Presentations Virtually Through SciMeetings
Every year, hundreds of thousands of researchers share their research findings at in-person conferences. Scientific content created for these conferences has traditionally been limited to the audience at that event, with no wider distribution or long-term preservation. SciMeetings, a service developed by the American Chemical Society (ACS) through its Publications Division, will expand the reach and impact of early-stage research and...
2-day Virtual Short Course – Intro to Polymer Science & Engineering
Introduction to Polymer Science and Engineering Presented by Prof. Gary Wnek, Case Western Reserve University June 8 and 9, 2020 A Two-Day Short Course, Web-Based Live Presentation Organized by the Golden Gate Polymer Forum Overview This two-day short course will be presented by a recognized expert in the field of Polymer Science and Engineering. The course is designed to introduce scientists, engineers, or other professionals to...
Register Now for the Free GC&E Virtual Conference
Registration is now open for the 24th Annual Green Chemistry & Engineering (GC&E) Virtual Conference, hosted by the ACS Green Chemistry Institute®. Originally scheduled for June 16-18, 2020, in Seattle, Washington, GC&E has gone virtual due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Virtual Conference is free and will take place June 15-19, 2020. Register for free here Registration will include: Access to all conference programming...
Submit your abstracts for Pacifichem 2020
ACS invites you to submit abstracts to The International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies 2020 (Pacifichem 2020). Abstract submission for Pacifichem 2020 has been extended to Friday, May 15. Meeting registration will open on Wednesday, July 15. The 2020 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (PAC CHEM™), will take place in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, December 15-20, 2020. Pacifichem 2020 will be the...
Congratulations to the 2020 R. Bryan Miller Symposium winners!
The 20th Annual R. Bryan Miller Symposium took place on March 5th and 6th, 2020 on the campus of UC Davis. The speaker lineup was top-notch, including plenary lectures by Bob Bergman (UCB) and Jennifer Doudna (UCB), Keynote lectures by Cynthia Burroughs (Utah) and Eric Anslyn (UT Austin), and many additional lectures from chemists in both academia and the pharmaceutical industry. The student poster session, sponsored by SAC ACS, had a...
ACS Presidential Election 2021
Online balloting will take place Monday, April 27 thru Friday, May 1, 2020 for the ACS President Elect. We would like to hear their thoughts! Want to learn more about volunteering with your ACS Local Section? Please reach out. We welcome your thoughts and suggestions! More information about the candidates here. Email: wilkens.andrew@gmail.com.
Sacramento Climate Strike is Going Digital
Please continue to SAVE THE DATE for an action commemorating the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, but know that the in-person demonstration planned at the California Capitol has been suspended. Future demonstrations will still take place once it is safe to gather. But for now we are shifting gears to an action which you can take remotely, visible, and digitally! More on this is still to come. Keep fighting the good fight, stay safe and...
Chemistry Cookbook to Benefit Chemists Without Borders
A chemistry themed was put together by students and faculty at the W.M. Keck Science Department, which is a shared resource of the Claremont Colleges in California. The book includes a range of gluten free, vegan, and kid friendly recipes that are laid out in experiment format similar to a laboratory notebook. Over 40 delicious recipes that are sentimental to chemistry community members are included. The price is $40, and 100% of...
Inspire the Next Generation of Innovators by Becoming A Teacher
Have you considered teaching as your next career? The EnCorps STEM Teaching Fellowship transitions professionals from science, technology, engineering and math careers to middle and high school teachers. Fellows engage in weekly guest teaching with a mentor teacher, online and in person training, 1:1 coaching, earn a California teaching credential and work in various public district and charter schools. As a professional coming from...
EPA Announces Grant Opportunity Supporting Innovative Solutions for Reducing Pollution
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is seeking grant applications through the Source Reduction Assistance Grant Program from states, federally recognized tribes, universities, local governments, and other groups to support innovative solutions for source reduction or pollution prevention (P2) through research, education, training, or certain other methods. As the agency highlights chemical safety during the month of March,...
Cancellation of ACS Spring 2020 National Meeting
Safety is a core value of the American Chemical Society, and as such the health and well-being of our members, community and staff are paramount. As a result, we are cancelling (terminating) the ACS Spring 2020 National Meeting & Expo scheduled for March 22-26, 2020, in Philadelphia. Our decision was based on several factors, including, but not limited to: The Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania signed an emergency...
UC Davis Agricultural and Environmental Chemistry Group Winter Colloquium March 5 and 6, 2020
We are pleased to announce that the Agricultural and Environmental Chemistry group is hosting our 48th annual Winter Colloquium this year on March 5 and 6, 2020. The two-day colloquium will feature a series of student and guest speaker presentations, and a final social to celebrate everyone’s hard work. Our guest speakers this year are: March 5th at 4:00 pm: Harvard Fong, CIH from the California Department of Pesticide Regulation His...
NorCal SETAC Winter Social
Join our friends with the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry next Tuesday in Davis! Details in the flyer below.
Three Student Travel Award Opportunities
ACS Sacramento Section is proud to offer two $250 student travel awards to the 2020 ACS meeting in San Francisco, and $1000 to support travel to an international chemistry conference/meeting/internship. The application is due May 1st to Dean Tantillo. For details on the ACS meeting awards, click here. For details on the international travel award click here. In 2019, the winners when to San Diego. In 2018, the winners went to New...
Register now for the R. Bryan Miller Symposium
The Miller symposium is an annual event dedicated to Professor R. Bryan Miller and his contributions and achievements in research, teaching, and the chemical community. This symposium honors his legacy by celebrating the advancements in chemistry and chemical biology that have led transformative technologies in pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. For more information, click here. To register for the symposia, click...