Chemistry Shorts: brief films that spotlight innovative chemistry
Chemistry Shorts is a new series of brief films that spotlight innovative ways that chemists and chemical engineers are working to solve important problems and create new opportunities. Each film is accompanied by a lesson plan that offers suggestions on how to integrate it into the classroom. The first three films and lesson plans are available at and on YouTube.
22nd ChemLuminary Awards December 9th
The 22nd Annual ChemLuminary Awards ceremony, will be held virtually on Wednesday, December 9, at 4 p.m. ET. This year’s theme, “2020 Focus on Our Volunteers: Moving Chemistry Forward,” honors the work of our volunteers to continue to improve people’s lives. The ceremony will include a keynote address by Janet L. Bryant, recipient of the 2020 Award for Volunteer Service to the American Chemical Society. Don’t miss the exciting live...
ACS Spring 2021 will be Virtual
From ACS Chief Executive Officer, Tom Connelly: “I am reaching out today to share the news that we will hold our spring 2021 ACS meeting entirely virtually April 5-16, 2021. Meeting virtually for ACS Spring 2021 will enable the meaningful sharing of scientific information, while ensuring everyone’s safety. Originally planned as an in-person event in San Antonio, TX, in March 2021, the meeting was transitioned to a virtual event as a...
NCW Poem Submission
Check out this wonderful illustrated poem celebrating National Chemistry Week! Credit to Jazlyn Leavy, 11th grade, Sheldon High School.
The Future of Sustainable Agrochemistry Webinar, November 12, 2020, 12:00-1:30 PM EST
Agrochemistry has enabled an increase in desirable crop production through the development and use of fertilizers and pesticides. Over the past few decades, overuse of commercially available agrochemicals has led to pesticide resistance and undesirable environmental impacts. One solution is to develop new classes of agrochemicals that have alternative modes of action. Other solutions to slow or block the onset of resistance and...
San Joaquin Delta College Shares Chemistry Demos for NCW
In celebration of National Chemistry Week, the chem department and student ACS club of San Joaquin Delta College have put together a virtual chemistry show and demos you can do at home. The hands-on demos have Spanish and English versions. Click here to see their great videos!
National Chemistry Week: October 18-24, 2020 “Sticking with Chemistry”
National Chemistry Week is all online this year! This year’s theme, “Sticking with Chemistry”, is all about adhesives. Click here for a flyer to join Sacramento ACS in the festivities.
Virtual Seminar: “Sustainability and Green Chemistry” with 2020 ACS President-elect
On Friday, October 30th, California State University, Sacramento is hosing a seminar by Dr. H. N. Cheng, 2020 President-elect, ACS. The talk is entitled “Sustainability and Green Chemistry”. The talk will be on Zoom from 1-2 PM. Click here for a flyer for the event for more information.
2020 Flavors of Chemistry: Plant Terpenes
We are pleased to announce that our 6th Annual Flavors of Chemistry will be occurring virtually on Thursday, October 8th, via Zoom. The talk will be from 3–4 PM, with a BYOC (bring your own coffee) networking social starting at 2:30 PM. The event will feature Prof. Philipp Zerbe talking about plant-derived terpenoids. Investigating Plant Terpene Metabolism for Agricultural and Bioproduct Applications Terpenoids form the largest and...
Register Now for the NorCal SETAC 29th Annual Meeting – September 21-24, 2020
Registration is open for the annual meeting of NorCal Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC)! Click here to get your spot.
Free Three-year Membership for ACS-Certified Graduates
All students graduating this Spring with an ACS-Certified Chemistry Degree are eligible for a FREE, 3-year membership to ACS with full benefits and access to all our resources. It’s our way of rewarding them for their hard work and dedication. Click here for information on how to take advantage of this offer. Please let upcoming graduates know about this opportunity and help them understand the many benefits they’ll receive with...
Call for More Diversity in the ACS 2022 National Awards Nominations
Dr. Dorothy Phillips, Chair of the ACS Board Committee on Professional and Member Relations, sent out a plea for underrepresented groups to have more of a presence in the 2022 award nominations. In particular, she notes “In 2020, about 41% of the ACS membership was employed in industry, only 5% of the nominees for the 44 technical awards for the 2021 award cycle were chemists or chemical engineers working in industry. Similarly,...
Councilor’s Report: John Berg, ACS Fall 2020
As a Sacramento Section Councilor, I attended my first virtual National ACS Meeting this month. Everything went very well, and I attended the Council Meeting, the Region VI Caucus, the Senior Chemists Committee meeting, and the meeting of the Executive Committee of the Senior Chemists Committee. I have attached the Council Talking Points report, and highlights of the meetings follow: The Senior Chemists Committee is still very active,...
25th Annual Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference Call for Symposia June 14-16, 2021
The 25th Annual Green Chemistry & Engineering (GC&E) Conference Call for Symposia is now open. Brought to you by the American Chemical Society’s Green Chemistry Institute® (ACS GCI), the conference will be held June 14-16, 2021. The Call for Symposia is your opportunity to shape the technical sessions to be considered for next year’s conference. Proposals are due October 9, 2020, at 5 p.m. EDT (GMT-4). 2021 Conference Theme...
Local Students Host COVID-19 Virtual STEM Fair – Sign Up!
Get ready for the COVID-19 Virtual STEM Fair! It’s an online science fair designed to counteract the lack of academic activities during the global pandemic. Click here to learn more about project requirements Participants are encouraged to further their knowledge in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) through project based learning. Any student that resides within Sacramento or Yolo County and is in grades 6 –...
Ask your Legislators to Support the Research Investment to Spark the Economy (RISE) Act
We encourage you to ask that your Representative cosponsor and support the Research Investment to Spark the Economy (RISE) Act, H.R. 7308, which was introduced June 24, 2020 by Representative Diana DeGette (D-CO) and Representative Fred Upton (R-MI). This bipartisan bill would authorize supplemental funding for a variety of research agencies. Thank you to those of you that have written your Representative. Your efforts have led to...
Virtual ACS Kids Zone August 15th
It is with great excitement that ACS announces a Virtual Kids Zone event taking place on Saturday, August 15 from 3-5 pm Eastern. Host Bibiana Campos Seijo, Editor-in-Chief of Chemical & Engineering News, will lead viewers through four activities from experienced science educators, like reigning Miss America and biochemist, Miss Camille Schrier, chemistry teacher recently featured on local/national media, Jonte Lee, and other...
Registration is Open for the ACS Fall 2020 Virtual Meeting & Expo
REGISTRATION IS OPEN In a time when world events have otherwise limited sharing science, ACS is excited to produce a new experience and event – the ACS Fall 2020 Virtual Meeting & Exposition. Register and join us August 17 – 20 for Live and Broadcast Sessions featuring interactive video Q&A, On Demand Oral and Poster Presentations, Networking and Special Events, as well as a full Exposition. REGISTER...
Announcing the First C&EN Futures Festival
AUGUST 25-26 C&EN invites you to the inaugural C&EN Futures Festival, presented by the American Chemical Society. The Futures Festival is a forward-looking forum featuring the people, ideas, and discoveries that will shape the future of science. Join scientific leaders from industry and academia this August 25-26 to explore what lies ahead, and what we must do to solve for that future. This free two-day...