ACS Fall 2022 – Abstracts Open
Submit your abstracts for oral and poster presentations for ACS Fall 2022. The theme, Sustainability in a Changing World, will be at the core of programming. Sessions for the hybrid meeting will be held in Chicago, IL and virtually, August 21 – 25, 2022. Those who wish to submit an abstract will have the option of selecting a virtual or in-person during abstract submission. ACS Meetings & Expositions bring together chemistry...
ACS Spring 2022 Registration Opens January 17
Register and join the global chemistry community in person or virtually for the hybrid ACS Spring 2022, taking place March 20-24, in San Diego, CA. The meeting theme, “Bonding Through Chemistry,” will be at the core of programming for this hybrid event. Explore the Schedule-at-a-Glance to find the overall meeting schedule, including information on hybrid, in-person, and live virtual sessions. Vaccination Requirements ACS...
Video Link for 2021 Flavors of Chemistry Talk
On September 25th the Sacramento ACS section hosted its annual Flavors of Chemistry event. This is the time when we acknowledge our longest-participating members and this year Dr. Roy Whiteker, Dr. Willy Kollmeyer, Dr. William Jackson, Karl Bucholz, and Dr. Bruce Boss all received special recognition. The guest speaker of the main presentation was Dr. Sean LaFond, Director of Flavor for Verofolia, located in Healdsburg, CA, and...
Nominations Open for 2022 Outstanding High School Chemistry Teacher Award
Nominations are now open for the 2022 ACS Sacramento Outstanding High School Chemistry Teacher Award. The Award is presented annually to a high school chemistry teacher who has demonstrated an excellent ability to teach and inspire students to pursue careers in science within the Sacramento Section of ACS. The Sacramento Section of the ACS will present the winner with a certificate and a check for $500. In addition, the winner’s...
ACS Chemical Health & Safety Workshop “Empowering Academic Researchers to Strengthen Safety Culture”
The ACS Chemical Health & Safety division is hosting a 4-hour workshop entitled “Empowering Academic Researchers to Strengthen Safety Culture” on Sunday October 17th from 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM PT by Zoom. Click here to learn more and register.
EPA Webinar: Valuing Aquatic Ecosystem Health at a National Scale
Registration is now open for EPA’s Water Research Webinar on Valuing Aquatic Ecosystem Health at a National Scale: Modeling Biological Indicators Across Space and Time. This webinar will be held on Wednesday, September 29, from 11:00-12:00pm PDT, with an optional Q&A session from 12:00-12:15pm PDT. A webinar will be offered every other month that will focus on EPA water research. Please spread the word! To register, please click...
Call for Senior Volunteers Attending Rocky Mountain Regional Meeting
The Younger Chemists Committee (YCC) is looking to partner with the Senior Chemists Committee (SCC) for a networking event during the Rocky Mountain Regional Meeting, occurring in Tucson, Arizona from October 20-23rd. The YCC is hosting a mini networking event, where younger chemists can practice their interviewing skills, and have the senior chemists interview them! They are currently looking for senior chemist volunteers who could...
ACS Spring 2022 Now Accepting Abstracts
Submit your abstracts for oral and poster presentations for ACS Spring 2022. The theme, Bonding Through Chemistry, will be at the core of programming. Sessions for the hybrid meeting (in-person & virtual) will be held in San Diego, CA, and virtually, March 20 – 24, 2022. Those who wish to submit an abstract will have the option of selecting a virtual or in-person abstract submission. While ACS Spring 2022 is planned as a...
California Sea Grant: Ocean Acidification and Hypoxia: Request for Proposals
California Sea Grant and the California Ocean Protection Council (OPC) are now soliciting proposals for monitoring, research, and synthesis projects that will enhance our understanding of ocean acidification and hypoxia on biological vulnerability. This funding opportunity will support the collection of new chemical or ecological observations or species response data. For more information, click here.
2021 Flavors of Chemistry: Complex Flavor Creation
We are pleased to announce that our 7th Annual Flavors of Chemistry will be occurring in-person at UC Davis with a live-stream on Saturday, September 25th. The presentation will be from 2:30–4 PM, with a networking social starting at 2 PM. The event will feature Dr. Sean LaFond talking about flavor creation. Complex Flavor Creation: Eliciting Emotion with Chemicals The food we eat, the beverages we drink, and the environment we live...
Student Travel Award Opportunities
ACS Sacramento Section is proud to offer $250 student travel awards to the 2021 ACS fall meeting in Atlanta and the Rocky Mountain Regional meeting in Tucson. The applications are due September 10th to Slava Bekker. For details, click here.
Upcoming Live Virtual 3-Day Short Course: Adhesion Science: Principles and Practice
The San Francisco Bay Area polymer science organization, the Golden Gate Polymer Forum, is sponsoring a short course: Adhesion Science: Principles and Practice, Oct. 26, 27, and 29. taught by Prof. Tim Long, Arizona State University Prof. David A. Dillard, Virginia Tech Prof. Mike Bortner, Virginia Tech Dr. Giles Dillingham, BTG Labs All instructors are true experts in the topics and experienced teachers. The course requires...
Register for Agro Webinar by Steve Duke
Please join the next AGRO Lunch and Learn webinar on July 21st at Noon Eastern US time. Dr. Steve Duke from University of Mississippi will present a webinar on “New Herbicide Modes of Action for New Commercial Herbicides – Searching for the Holy Grail”. Click here to register.
Career Panel and Networking Event June 2nd
ACS Silicon Valley is hosting a career panel and networking event Jun 2nd, 7 – 9 PM. Click here for the free registration.
CDFA Soliciting Public Comments On Conservation Agriculture Planning Grant
The Dept. of Food and Ag is welcoming public comments on its proposed Conservation Agriculture Planning Grant Program Draft Request for Proposals. There is no funding for this new program at the present time. The program has been under development for a year with consideration of stakeholder input and oversight from the Environmental Farming Act Science Advisory Panel. This new program would fund the development of a plan to help...
Free Agilent Beverage Virtual Seminar
Agilent is hosting a free, 2-hour seminar on analyses of beer/brewed beverages chemistry Tuesday, May 25th, 2 PM EST. It will cover a wide range of topics, like ICP-QQQ, HS-GC-μECD, and HS-SPME-GC-MS. Click here to register, plus to gain access to their previous seminars on distilled spirits and wine.
Local Earth Day Illustrated Poem Winner
Check out this wonderful illustrated poem celebrating National Chemistry Week! Credit to Nimrit Kaur, a senior at Sheldon High School.
Embracing & Advancing Inclusion & Equity Across the American Chemical Society with ACS President-Elect Angela Wilson
Please join the California, Portland, and Puget Sound local sections as we build community along the West Coast by coming together for a virtual meeting. We are delighted to host Professor Angela Wilson who will speak about issues that bridge the Local and National levels of the ACS. Dr. Wilson will also focus on how science advocacy can be strengthened through diversity and inclusion. The presentation will be followed by a Q&A....
Dr. H. N. Cheng Presents Future Prospects and Opportunities for Chemistry
Please join ACS and Southeastern Louisiana University Tuesday May 25th 3 PM – 5 PM PDT. ACS President Dr. H. N. Cheng will discuss future prospects opportunities in chemistry. H. N. Cheng is the 2021 President of the American Chemical Society (ACS). He has served in leadership positions in several ACS committees and task forces at national levels, as well as being active at various capacities in local sections and technical...
Joe Crisologo, State Scientist, Shares Thoughts on His Career
Join us on May 6th, where Joe Crisologo will virtually present “When you come to a fork in the road, take it.” about his 32-year career with the State, and what he learned along the way. Joe has a BS in Chemical Engineering and an MBA degree. The talk will be from 4–5 PM. You can register here! Click here for a copy of the flyer.