New Members of the Section: April 2017
Welcome to the new members of our section! Vanessa Abercrombie Robert Araiza Estefany Contreras Yue Deng Christopher Dizon Erin Doherty Liangjie Fu Anthony Galatti Wendy Gonzalez Ozcan Gulacar Katherine Heiler Betssy Jauregui Julia Jennings Kaitlin Johnson Anna Johnston Alexander Kehl Anusha Klinder Otto Koivunen Adon Kwong Abigail Lok Phuong Luong David Marten Elizabeth McBee Alexandra Milkey Patricia Moreno Alayna Nguyen Seth Nunes...
Councilor’s Report – Spring 2017 ACS Meeting, San Francisco
As your Councilor, I attended the ACS meeting in San Francisco, working with the Committee on Economic and Professional Affairs (CEPA), the Graduate Education Advisory Group (GEAB), and of course, the ACS Council. CEPA: Most of the weekend was spent in a strategic planning meeting, with a short business meeting on Saturday morning. The Subcommittee on Public Policy, of which I am the Chair, presented plans to renew the Retirement...
ACS Sacramento Section Button Design Contest
The ACS Sacramento section is excited to announce our second Button Design Contest! This competition is open to all members of the ACS Sacramento Section. The winning design will become the official button for the ACS Sacramento Section and win $100. All designs must be emailed to with the subject line “ACS Button Design” by 5:00pm on June 1st. Please also include a description of the image or the story behind...
Next ACS Sacramento Section ExCom Meeting
The next ACS Sacramento Section Executive Committee meeting will be 7pm on Sunday April 23rd in Davis at the SCC Davis Center. The Executive Committee plans, organizes, and sponsors events for chemists in the Sacramento region. Interested in finding out more? Contact Cindy Castronovo.
Flavors of Chemistry 2017
We are pleased to announce that our 3rd Annual “Flavors of Chemistry” will be occurring on Saturday, September 30th at the UC Davis Activities and Recreation Center, the same location as last year). The event will occur from 1-5pm. For full details about the event or to buy tickets, click on the picture below: Speakers/Tastings: Bill Ristenpart, Professor of Chemical Engineering, Director of the UC Davis Coffee Center, and...
ACS Sacramento Section Event at National Meeting in SF
Date: Tuesday April 4th Time: 5-7pm Location: Great Room 1, W Hotel Come join your Sacramento Section colleagues for a social event at the Spring ACS National Meeting in San Francisco! Appetizers will be served and drinks will be available. Your first drink is free for ACS Sacramento Section members. (If you have a question about whether or not you are a member, please login to your account or email Bill Miller with the...
Flavors of Chemistry 2016 Brings Together ACS Local Sections
The 2016 Flavors of Chemistry: Wine and Cheese event brought together members of three local ACS sections to learn about and taste wine and cheese. District VI Director Paul David Jagodzinski gave introductory comments to open the event. Several members of the Sacramento section were also honored, including Steve Hummel, the inaugural winner of the Jan Hayes High School Teacher Award. Dr. Moshe Rosenberg, Professor and Specialist,...
ACS Sacramento Election: Your Vote Counts!
Yes, the national election is over, but you still have time to exercise your ACS civic duty and vote for your 2017 local section officers, including chair elect, treasurer, councilor and alternate councilor. Your ballot was emailed to you on October 28. Dig through those emails, find the ballot, and pick your candidates before the election closes at 5 pm, Wednesday, November 23. We would like to increase our vote totals above the...
2017 Janan Hayes High School Teacher Award
The American Chemical Society (ACS) Sacramento Section (map) is proud to announce the Second Annual award for high school teachers in our section, named for a Jan Hayes, a councilor, educator and ACS Fellow with over 40 years of involvement with the Sacramento Section. The 2017 Janan Hayes High School Teacher Award will be $500 in cash and $500 for chemistry supplies. Our Sacramento Section winner will then be nominated to enter any...
New Book: Violence and Violins
Joseph Nagyvary has recently published a memoir that describes his life as a chemistry student in Hungary during the communist era (1952-1956). It was also the beginning of his interest in Stradivari violins, a subject which he had the privilege to lecture about to many local sections of the ACS, including the Sacramento Section. In his book, Joseph recollects a childhood growing up with a devout Catholic father and a rebellious...
Back by Popular Demand: Flavors of Chemistry
Flavors of Chemistry: The Chemistry of Wine and Cheese including wine and cheese tastings October 1, 2016 2-6pm Activities and Recreation Center UC Davis Campus Tickets on Sale Now! This is a popular event so get your tickets soon! We are pleased to announce the return of a very popular event from last year: our Flavors of Chemistry event. Professor Moshe Rosenberg, Professor and Specialist in Dairy Engineering and Technology in the...
ACS Sacramento Reusable Grocery Bags
Look for these great new bags at upcoming ACS Sacramento Events!
Councilor Report: John Berg
As one of your Councilors, I attended the national ACS meeting in Philadelphia in August. My meetings included the CEPA (Committee on Economic and Professional Affairs) Executive Committee on Friday evening, CEPA all day Saturday, the Graduate Education Advisory Board (GEAB) on Monday morning, and of course the Council meeting on Wednesday. I also checked out the exposition, but alas, did not score any tee shirts this time. The most...
What is that? The Symbols in the ACS Logo
by Marc Foster The diamond-like shape of the ACS logo is one I have seen a million times yet I have never given pause to figure out what it is. There is an upper yellow triangle and a lower blue triangle. The society used to have 4 triangles representing air, fire, water and earth. Now there are just the two representing the Phoenix (gold on top) and the upper half of the square so placed, triangular in shape, shall contain the...
Spring 2016 Councilor’s Report: Janice Frias
by Janice Frias I was thrilled to be able to attend the Spring 2016 National Conference of the American Chemical Society to hear the latest research applicable to my job as a protein chemist at Novozymes, Inc., and to represent the local Sacramento section as Alternate Councilor. The technical program was terrific, as usual! Many talks in the Divisions of Biological Chemistry, Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, and...
Save the Date 10/01/16: The Flavors of Chemistry
Last year, our Flavors of Chemistry event was so popular that we decided to bring it back again this year except this time twice as many people will be able to attend. We have just reserved space on the UC Davis campus for this event. More information will be coming, but we know the date: 10/01/16. The event will bring together the Sacramento, Santa Clara Valley, and California sections to learn about the chemistry of wine and...
Section Event at ACS National Meeting in SF?
The Executive Committee of ACS Sacramento is working on holding a social event for Sacramento Section members (members who pay the $5.year dues). What do you think? Email Bill Miller with your comments.
ACS Sacramento Sponsored Event: R. Bryan Miller Symposium
ACS Sacramento Section is proud to once again help sponsor the R. Bryan Miller Symposium. The Miller Symposium will occur on April 7th and 8th, 2016 at UC Davis. The list of speakers and their affiliations include: Plenary Speaker: Thomas Hoye, Merck Professor of Chemistry, Department of Chemistry and Graduate Faculty Medicinal Chemistry, University of Minnesota. THOMAS R. HOYE grew up in New Wilmington, PA. He attended Bucknell...
Help ACS Sacramento Plan for 2016
The Executive Committee of our section has just submitted its 2015 annual report summarizing our activities from last year. We are happy to say that each year over the past few years, the number of activities sponsored by our section and the number of activities coordinated by our section have increased. We have an awards subcommittee formed in 2015 that coordinates the student travel award and our new high school teacher award. We...