Volunteers for Friday Speaker Series

Volunteers for Friday Speaker Series

The School of Engineering and Sciences (SES) is looking for volunteers to mentor students as they prepare their science projects and senior projects, serve as judges at science fairs, and speak or sponsor a Friday lunch talk.  The school is a combination middle/high school which accepts students within the Sacramento School District and is located in the Pocket area in South Sacramento.  Please contact Patrick Wong at...

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Flavors of Chemistry 2018: Beer and Cheese

Flavors of Chemistry 2018: Beer and Cheese

On September 29th we held our 4th annual Flavors of Chemistry event, with great success, with nearly 90 attendees. Members from several sections came together to honor award winners and learn about the chemistry of beer and cheese flavor. ACS Sacramento Section Chair Marc Foster opened the event by presenting awards to the Sacramento Section honorees. Three of the section’s long-time members were in attendance. Each long-time member...

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ACS Webinar: Chemistry for the Formation of  Urban Fine Particulate Matter

ACS Webinar: Chemistry for the Formation of Urban Fine Particulate Matter

November 6, 2018 USA 12:00 p.m. EST, 9:00 a.m. PST, 17:00 GMT Speaker:Renyi ZhangUniversity Distinguished Professor and Harold J. Haynes Chair in Geosciences Professor of Chemistry and Atmospheric Sciences, Colleges of Science and GeosciencesTexas A&M UniversityCollege Station, Texas, USA This webinar will provide a synthetic view on recent progress in understanding the chemistry relevant to the formation of urban fine particulate...

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ACS Career Day Northern California

ACS Career Day Northern California

Attend afree event in Berkeley, CA on October 20, 2018 where you’ll improve your career search by attending panel discussions, table talks, and networking activities, and sharpen your professional skills with personalized career advice. For more information, visit https://www.acs.org/content/acs/en/careers/career-fair/northern-california.html

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Legends of Women in Science: The No Belles

Legends of Women in Science: The No Belles

“No Belles” is a performance of the stories of women scientists who have and have not received the Nobel Prize. A significant disparity in our society is the number of women pursuing careers in STEM. An oft cited reason for this imbalance is the lack of good role models. The Portal Theatre group’s “No Belles” makes visible the significant contributions of women in science. Its broad reach of topics is a powerful catalyst for...

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Report from the Biennial Conference on Chemical Education

Report from the Biennial Conference on Chemical Education

Notre Dame University The 25th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education was held from July 29th through August 2, 2018 on the beautiful campus of the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana. The Biennial Conference on Chemical Education (BCCE) is a national meeting sponsored by the Division of Chemical Education of the American Chemical Society. The conference is designed for middle school science teachers, secondary school...

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No Belles: Women Scientists and the Nobel Prize

No Belles: Women Scientists and the Nobel Prize

Marie Curie No Belles is a dramatic production about women scientists and the Nobel Prize. Portal Theatre is a theater company based in Portland, OR, whose play “No Belles” focuses on the lives of women scientists who won Nobel Prizes and some who did not. It was performed at the Fall 2017 ACS meeting in Washington, DC, and the CA Section WCC have arranged for it to be shown in the San Francisco Bay Area to benefit and...

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Space and beyond!

Space and beyond!

Space and beyond: 2018 ACS Nano-Western Regional Meeting Saturday, October 27, 2018 California Institute of Technology, Pasadena “Chemistry is Out of this World” Speakers will talk on space/chemistry-related themes with a poster session for undergraduates and graduate students. Contact: acswrm.org

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Flavors of Chemistry: Beer and Cheese!

Flavors of Chemistry: Beer and Cheese!

ACS Sacramento Section is proud to present the 2018 Flavors of Chemistry event. The event will feature Prof. Charlie Bamforth speaking about the flavors of beer and  Prof. David Everett talking about the flavors of cheese. The event will occur on Saturday September 29th from 1-4pm in the Activities and Recreation Center (ARC) Ballroom on the UC Davis campus.  Prof. Bamforth is the Anheuser-Busch Endowed Professor of Malting and...

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Western Regional Meeting October 27th at CalTech

Western Regional Meeting October 27th at CalTech

There will be a one-day Western Regional Meeting (WRM) on October 27th at CalTech. The theme of the meeting is “Chemistry is Out of this World.” Speakers will talk on space/ chemistry-related themes with a poster session for undergraduate and graduate students. Three awards will be announced at the WRM: 1. E. Ann Nalley Western Region Award for Volunteer Service 2. Stanley Israel Western Region Award for Advancing...

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Join the Cal Section @ Brewery in Chico

Join the Cal Section @ Brewery in Chico

Spend a day at the SIERRA NEVADA BREWERY In Chico, CA For Lunch and Tour   On Saturday, June 9th, 2018 Location: Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. 1075 East 20th Street Chico, CA 95928 (LIMITED TO 45 PEOPLE) (Closed-toe shoes are requested; must be 21 yrs. old to taste beer)   Directions: Please visit https://www.google.com/maps/dir//sierra+nevada+brewery+chico   Time: 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. ; please arrive no later than 10:45 am....

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2018 Cal EPA Earth Day Celebration

2018 Cal EPA Earth Day Celebration

The Sacramento Section invited over 150 attendees at the annual CalEPA Earth Day Celebration to participate in an experiment demonstrating how CO2 absorption can increase acidity of the oceans. Kids and adults alike were amazed at the color change indicating a lower pH after blowing bubbles in a neutral solution with red cabbage pH indicator.  The budding scientists were awarded stickers, mini-moles, tattoos and booklets with more...

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2018 Miller Symposium

2018 Miller Symposium

SAC ACS was happy to co-sponsor the 2018 R. Bryan Miller Symposium held at UC Davis on March 15-16, 2018. This event brought together chemists from across northern California, many from the Sacramento region, to present their research in organic and biological chemistry. The opening Plenary Speaker, John Clardy, discussed the chemistry of bacteria, and the closing Plenary Speaker, Michael Marletta, discussed the chemistry and biology...

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Science of Sexual Harassment

Science of Sexual Harassment

The Women Chemists’ Committee (WCC) and Chemical and Engineering News (C&EN) put on a special session at the Spring ACS National Meeting in New Orleans, LA in which the prevalence of sexual harassment in chemical fields was described and mitigation measures were discussed. Stephanie Hare, a graduate student at UC Davis, was one of the co-organizers and session co-chairs. The event was very well attended – at times the venue...

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69th Annual Meeting and Steak Barbecue at University of the Pacific

69th Annual Meeting and Steak Barbecue at University of the Pacific

Dr. Susan Ebeler will be the featured speaker at the 69th Annual Meeting and Steak Barbecue co‐sponsored by the Chemistry Department of University of the Pacific & the San Joaquin Valley Chapter of Sigma Xi, the Research Society on Saturday, April 21 at the Department of Chemistry, University of the Pacific, Stockton, CA. Abstract: Wines are a complex mixture of volatile and nonvolatile compounds that combine to give unique...

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ACS Sacramento Tries to See the Kings

ACS Sacramento Tries to See the Kings

On March 27th, the Kings put on a good show but eventually lost to the Dallas Mavericks. Skal Labissière led the Kings with 19 points. The section had 20 tickets to see the Kings. However, less than half of the group made it into the arena, and an estimated 4,000 people attended the game. This was one of the games in which the access to the game was restricted due to the presence of protesters of the fatal shooting of Stephon Clark....

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Local Chemistry Olympiad Draws 60 Students

Local Chemistry Olympiad Draws 60 Students

It was another great showing at this year’s High School Chemistry Olympiad with 60 students chowing up from 14 area high schools. These included Sheldon, Folsom, Davis, Pioneer, Mira Loma, Sacramento Country Day, Tracy, Oak Ridge, Rocklin, Lodi, Oakmont, Franklin, Vista de Lago, and John Adams Academy High Schools. The Olympiad was hosted by Mako Masuno and Varnell Crankfield at Sacramento City College (SCC) and sponsored by ACS...

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Upcoming No Belles Performances in the Bay Area

Upcoming No Belles Performances in the Bay Area

The California and Silicon Valley Local Sections are hosting a series of performances of No Belles by the Portal Theater, a production highlighting the lack of women Nobel Laureates, in October. Each performance will be followed by a networking session. Keep an eye on the upcoming newsletter for the performance dates! See the inset at the bottom of the following article for a review of the show:...

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Save the Date: Flavors of Chemistry 2018

Save the Date: Flavors of Chemistry 2018

Save the date! Flavors of chemistry is scheduled for September 29th at the ARC ballroom at UC Davis. This year, Charlie Bamforth will be speaking on the flavor of beer, with more speakers to come. See you there! by Carla Saunders

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Steam Coffin: Building the First Steamship

Steam Coffin: Building the First Steamship

ACS Sacramento Section was proud to host John Laurence Busch, the author of the book “Steam Coffin”, at 6pm on Thursday February 15th at the North Natomas Library. John spoke about his book from the chemist’s perspective. This Chemists Presentation showed how Captain Rogers designed and built this revolutionary vessel — from a chemist’s perspective — nearly two centuries ago! by Marc Foster

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