Marvelous Metals
FREE HANDS-ON SCIENCE COMMUNITY EVENT Join the Sacramento Local Section of the American Chemical Society and the Powerhouse Science Center for a free community event to celebrate National Chemistry Week and learn about the importance of chemistry in everyday life. Learn about this year’s theme, Marvelous Metals, with many exciting hands-on activities. When: Saturday, October 26th, noon – 4 pm Where: Powerhouse Science Center...
Save the Date: Scinema movie and TED-Style Talk
Scinema aims to educate a general audience about the current state of science and technology depicted on the silver screen by pairing popular movies with TED-style talks given by leading experts in the field. Scinema movie and TED-style talk with Dr. Steven Farmer, Chemistry Professor Sonoma State University October 26th, 2019 UC Davis
70th ACS Annual Meeting and Steak Barbecue at the University of the Pacific
On Saturday, April 20th, 2019, the Chemistry Department hosted its 70th Annual Meeting and Steak Barbecue. The event was co‐sponsored by the Chemistry Department at the University of the Pacific, the San Joaquin Valley Chapter of Sigma Xi, the Research Society, and the Sacramento Section American Chemistry Society. The event began with an overview of recent activities and personnel updates of the Chemistry Department, and presenting...
Flavors of Chemistry: Almond and Olive Oils
We are pleased to announce that our 5th Annual Flavors of Chemistry will be occurring on Saturday September 7th at the UC Davis Activities and Recreation Center (ARC) Ballroom, the same location as last year, from 1-3:30 pm. We thank our sponsors ACS Omega and Agilent. Buy tickets for Flavors of Chemistry: Almond and Olive Oils Slippery Business: Detecting Potential Adulteration in Almond and Olive Oil Hoby Wedler is the CEO and lead...
Councilor’s Report: Bill Miller, ACS Orlando
Councilor Report from ACS National Meeting in Orlando: 4/3/19 We’re just back from the ACS National Meeting in Orlando, and we are asking you to give us feedback about three things: ACS National Meetings If you currently go to ACS National Meetings: please tell me why you go. What do you value most at the meeting? If you don’t go, what would encourage you to pay the costs of going (which are substantial)? International...
Ko Lecture on Solar Fuels by R. David Britt
Join UC Davis for the announcement of the Winston Ko Professorship in Science Leadership as well as a lecture from the inagural recipient, Distinguished Professor R. David Britt. Solar Fuels: Nature’s Approach Although enormous, mankind’s total consumption of energy is dwarfed by nature’s global utilization of solar energy by photosynthesis, a process by which visible light is used to convert carbon dioxide and water to sugar and...
Career Conference in Chemistry at UC Davis Dazzles in Its Fourth Year
by Samantha Teshima On Saturday, March 9, the Department of Chemistry at UC Davis hosted another successful career conference despite the inclement weather— neither rain, sleet, nor snow would dampen the mission of the conference or the spirits of its attendees. The Fourth Annual Career Conference in Chemistry was an event that provided chemistry majors an opportunity to learn from job recruiters and representatives about developing...
ACS Sacramento 70th Annual Meeting and Steak Barbecue
The 70th Annual Meeting and Steak Barbecue for the Sacramento Section of ACS will occur on April 20th. Dr. James Marshall will speak about “Rediscovery of the Elements – Tracking down the original discovery sites of the mines and laboratories for all of the elements.” For more information or to register, click here.
Capitol Hill Ocean Week 2019
Join the Conversation. Register now for Capitol Hill Ocean Week events. The National Marine Sanctuary Foundation is pleased to announce Capitol Hill Ocean Week (CHOW) 2019! We hope you’ll join us in our nation’s capital as we discuss pressing challenges facing our ocean and Great Lakes, celebrate ocean champions, and turn ideas into action on Capitol Hill. This year’s events include the Capitol Hill Ocean Week...
R. Bryan Miller Symposium at UCD
The 19th Annual R. Bryan Miller Symposium was held February 28th and March 1st. SAC ACS was happy to co-sponsor this event, which brings together students and professional chemists from the Sacramento and greater Bay areas.Thursday’s session focused on the chemistry and biology of pain, culminating in a plenary talk by Justin DuBois about sodium ion channel structure and function, followed by the SAC ACS sponsored poster...
4th Annual Career Conference in Chemistry
REGISTER NOW: 4th Annual Career Conference in Chemistry Saturday, March 9, 2019 8:30a-3:00p UC Davis Student Community Center REGISTER TODAY @ This half-day outreach event that takes place at UC Davis, and is hosted by your peers in the Department of Chemistry. The purpose of our conference is two-fold. It is a vehicle where you can learn from recruiters or representatives about what you need to...
R. Bryan Miller Symposium Feb 28-Mar 1
SACACS is happy to once again co-sponsor the 19th annual R. Bryan Miller Symposium to be held at UC Davis on February 28-March 1, 2019. This event will bring together chemists from across northern California, many from the Sacramento region, to present their research in organic and biological chemistry. The 2018 event is a full 2-days, with the first day focused on the “Chemistry and Biology of Pain”. For more details,...
Science Innovation Pipeline Program Application is Live
The Science Innovation Pipeline Program (SIPP) at Sacramento City College is a mentoring and summer research program that is designed to provide low income and minority high school students with early hands-on experience to help them develop a clearer understanding of what it is like to study science. The students who are selected for this program will: Get the opportunity to be mentored on interesting chemistry research projects Get...
Symposium: Water Scarcity: Challenges for Agriculture
Purpose of Symposium “Water scarcity is one of the greatest challenges of the twenty-first century.” FAO 2017 Agriculture is both a source and a victim of water scarcity. Currently half of the world’s population is living in areas that experience water scarcity for at least one month a year; about 70% of global water withdrawals are already allocated to agriculture and livestock production; and a third of the world’s groundwater...
A Successful Western Regional Meeting
On October 27th 2018, Southern California Section and California Los Padres Section joined forces in organizing the Western Regional ACS meeting at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. A highly successful event, the meeting had 250 attendees, including many students from the local colleges and universities, as well as scientists from Jet Propulsion Lab, professors and teachers, and members of the chemistry industry. The...
The Sacramento School of Engineering and Sciences (SES) has scheduled its science and engineering fair for Wednesday, December 19th from 2:30 PM-6:15 PM and they need YOU to judge student science fair projects! Interested individuals can sign up or get more information by contacting Pat Wong ( SES is located in the Pocket Area of Sacramento (7345 Gloria Drive). However its students are from a cross section...
UC Davis Chemistry’s Career Conference in Chemistry
UC Davis Chemistry’s Career Conference in Chemistry will be held on Saturday, March 9, 2019. This half-day conference is scheduled to take place at UC Davis. The purpose of the event is two-fold. It is a vehicle where majors in Chemistry can learn from recruiters or representatives about what they need to develop when entering their post-graduate careers. It also gives invited companies or organizations the opportunity to meet...
Register for High School Chemistry Olympiad
The Sacramento Section of the ACS is proud to organize the 2019 High School Chemistry Olympiad. The Olympiad witll be held at Sacramento City College. Last year’s Olympiad was a big success! For more information, please click here. To register or if you have questions, please contact Mako Masuno. Students taking the local exam for the U.S. National Chemistry Olympiad on March 24th at Sacramento City...
Attending No Belles at Mills
By Bill Miller My wife, daughter, and I attended the No Belles performance at Mills College. The room held about 50 people in chairs around the stage, and the room was filled. After a brief introduction from the members of the California Section, the three actors began recounting the stories of several women scientists. What stuck with us was the incredible will power of these women to do their work against incredible odds: being the...