2018 R. Bryan Miller Symposium at UC Davis
SACACS is happy to once again co-sponsor the annual R. Bryan Miller Symposium to be held at UC Davis on March 15-16, 2018. This event will bring together chemists from across northern California, many from the Sacramento region, to present their research in organic and biological chemistry. The 2018 event is a full 2-days, with the first day focused on the chemistry of the microbiome. For more details,...
SACACS Outreach
The section is committed to outreach and welcomes proposals for events. We will consider any event, no matter how crazy! Feel free to contact Dean Tantillo (djtantillo@ucdavis.edu) with your ideas.
Ideas for Senior Chemist Events?
The Senior Chemists Committee (SCC) of the ACS is offering small grants to local sections to sponsor events/activities that increases engagement of senior local section members and that will benefit the local community, schools or legislative government. We welcome suggestions for events from all members. These will be discussed with the local section leadership for possible incorporation into a proposal for SCC funding. All...
National Organic Symposium
REMINDER – NATIONAL ORGANIC SYMPOSIUM at UC DAVIS The 2017 National Organic Symposium, a premier conference for those working in organic chemistry and allied fields, will take place at UC Davis from June 25-29. We hope to see you all there! Detailed information can be found here: https://nationalorganicsymposium.org/
Travel Award Winners
SACACS is happy to announce the winners of our most recent travel awards: Jamieson Thom, an undergraduate from Sacramento City College, Benjamin Wigman, an undergraduate student from UC Davis, and Sven Hackbusch, a graduate student from University of the Pacific. The awards were presented at the ACS National Meeting in San Francisco, where each winner presented their research.