SCC ACS Chemistry Club: A Strong Year Coming to a Close

three people posing around poster

By Avalon Miller and Ifrah Qureshi

Ifrah Qureshi, Club President, and Avalon Miller, Club Vice President, and advisor William Miller, exhibited the club poster at the American Chemical Society National Convention in San Francisco. The poster showcased some of the events and trips the club participated in this year, as well as goals achieved and future plans and aspirations for the club. The privilege to attend such a convention was greatly felt by the students, as well as the opportunity to speak and share ideas with other chemistry clubs across the country! Qureshi and Miller were able to see what other clubs had achieved and have done, and take some ideas for their next year.

two people around an experiment in the grassAs the semester continued on, the SCC ACS Chemistry Club kept up their bimonthly Friday meetings, where they ended meetings with experiments like Elephant Toothpaste, Black Snake, and Dancing Gummies.


group picture in front of Bay 1Towards the end of the semester, the SCC ACS Chem Club took one of their last, as well as one of the most highly anticipated, field trips to the UC Davis Nuclear Reactor at the McClellan Nuclear Research Center. On this tour, the club learned about one of the few nuclear reactors within the state and all the work and maintenance it requires. Not only this, but the club was able to get a rare look into the reactor itself as it gradually turned on. The tour guides incorporated knowledge of Nuclear Chemistry into their daily job tasks, and even let us calculate the half-life of an object exposed to a small amount of radiation. Overall- as the club’s final trip of the semester- was not only informative and educational, but the club members were exposed to even more career opportunities are available in the chemistry world! In the coming months, the SCC ACS Chemistry Club begins to plan their Fall semester, as well as more goals and events they can set to achieve for the upcoming year!

Author: ACS Sacramento Section

The Sacramento area has over 900 members of the American Chemical Society in all areas of chemistry.

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