High School Chemistry Olympiad

Organized by Mako Masuno of MicroMidas, Inc. and hosted by Sacramento City College (SCC), the Sacramento Section is proud to announce the 2017 United States National Chemistry Olympiad Local Exam will take place on March 11th at SCC. Last year’s Olympiad was the largest one ever for the Sacramento Section and we hope to keep growing! Please let Mako know as soon as you can if you, your child, or your students are interested in participating.

To help study for the exam, download past local exams:

For more information about the Chemistry Olympiad, go to the ACS USNCO web site:

Up to two students from each high school can qualify for the National Chemistry Olympiad National Exam, which will have both a written and laboratory portion and take place Saturday April 22nd at SCC.

For more information or to register for the Chemistry Olympiad, contact Mako Masuno.

Author: ACS Sacramento Section

The Sacramento area has over 900 members of the American Chemical Society in all areas of chemistry.

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