On Saturday, April 20th, 2019, the Chemistry Department hosted its 70th Annual Meeting and Steak Barbecue. The event was co‐sponsored by the Chemistry Department at the University of the Pacific, the San Joaquin Valley Chapter of Sigma Xi, the Research Society, and the Sacramento Section American Chemistry Society. The event began with an overview of recent activities and personnel updates of the Chemistry Department, and presenting the student awards, which was followed by a plenary seminar and a steak barbecue. The event was attended by about 100‐110 people. In addition to faculty and students, the attendees included local ACS members, friends, and families.
The plenary seminar speaker was Dr. James Marshall, Professor Emeritus of the Department of Chemistry at the University of North Texas. The topic was “Rediscovery of the elements‐tracking down the original discovery sites of the mines and laboratories for all of the elements.” Dr. Marshall presented stories of what it was like to journey through 28 countries to track down, identify, and document all of the historic locations.
The student awards were given to 13 undergraduate students. The awards included the Outstanding Graduating Senior Awards, the Fred and Marguerite Early Undergraduate Research Awards, the CRC Freshman Achievement Award, the Stauffer Research Scholarship Awards, the Paul Gross Organic Chemistry Award, and the Endowed Scholarship Award.